Our Values

Achieving our vision depends entirely on the ability of GTS employees to contribute individually and collectively to the success of the company. To work in an environment that fosters pride, honours diversity and allows all of our employees to share in the contribution they make toward our company's future. Such a culture is based on mutual trust and respect.


Personal and Managerial integrity are the foundations for all our activities. Integrity is a cherished possession we want never to lose.

Continually Improving Quality

Quality means satisfying needs now and in the future. To do this we must constantly improve the quality of everything we make or do. We are committed to the process of ISO 9001 and HACCP accreditation and strive to maintain the high standards they provide.

Our Partners & Customers

We work closely with our partners and customers to ensure that their individual requirements are met to their total satisfaction. Providing a quality service to our clients is paramount to our delivery and uppermost in our mind.

Safety and Environmental Responsibility

It is the goal of GTS to provide a workplace that is safe, healthy and environmentally sound. We will champion and participate in all ongoing activities of the community in which we operate.

Economic Viability

In order to sustain this vision, GTS will expand its businesses both by organic growth and by strategic acquisitions, alliances and joint ventures, as appropriate to the relevant business opportunity.